WG5: Digestive amylases and starch digestion

WG5: Digestive amylases and starch digestion

WG5 leaders

▶️ WG5 leaders:

✒️ Dr Marilisa Alongi / Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Department of Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Animal Sciences, University of Udine (UNIUD), Italy / Email: marilisa.alongi@uniud.it

✒️ Dr Daniela Freitas TEAGASC - The Agriculture and Food Development AuthorityDepartment of Food Chemistry and Technology, Carlow, County Cork, Ireland / Email: daniela.freitas@teagasc.ie


▶️ Main objectives:

The goal of this working group is to investigate, develop, harmonize and validate methods to study amylases and starch digestion.


▶️ Main activites:

✔️ Working group meetings

✔️ Joint publications

✔️ Collaborative trials


▶️ Main results:

✔️ Collaborative trials

✔️ Infogest international ring trial 2023: Collaborative study between 12 laboratories to evaluate and optimize an amylase activity assay

To learn more:

Freitas, D., Lazaridou, A. , Duijsens, D., Kotsiou, K., Corbin, K. R., Alongi, M., Perez-Moral, N., Simsek, S., El, S. N., Gwala, S., Karakaya, S., Le Feunteun, S., Grauwet, T., Martinez, M. M., Edwards, C. H. Starch digestion: a comprehensive update on the underlying modulation mechanisms and its in vitro assessment methodologiesSubmitted, under review.


▶️ Perspectives:

➡️ Our working group will continue organizing frequent meetings and collaborative studies.

➡️ We will continue working to troubleshoot experimental issues and to ensure the physiological relevance of methodologies to study starch digestion as well as to assess the robustness, accuracy and reproducibility of experimental methods in this field.